Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Give Thanks For Them

I wonder how many organizations they have in Miami to help veterans and soldiers cope with coming and going to war. I know there's 0 in Miami Dade College. Hopefully, I'll be changing that in the next couple of months. Before I graduate from the Honors College, I will have my own club dedicated to the appreciation and respect of our men and women in the armed forces. 

I know this might sound like something random and impulsive, but living with Marineward and Activistella makes me grow a bond I never thought I would develop. I thought at first it was just a story... but then they started to grow on me. I never knew you could love something that isn't real, but I love my characters more than I love a lot of things. And that love for Marineward grew into a love for all Marines. That love grew out to the Army, Navy, Air Force, and all the veterans of all the wars ever fought. I'm not looking to have an ending such as B and E's, but I know if I can make one soldier smile, it will make all the difference to me. Even if it's not a full smile. Even if it's just a plain nod of consent or just a simple lifting of the corner of the lips would do to make my little heart happy.

Researching now how I can get the contact information to start the pen-pal program and learn how to ship care packages to our brave ones thousands of miles away. I can't think about it working out without feeling a little apprehensive that it won't work out. 

Oh, I long for it to work. I live and breathe hoping it will happen. If I was granted a wishing fountain, countless coins would be at the bottom with the soul of my desire to make this come to life. I've been debating whether to do it or not, because I don't really now how this is going to play out. Is anyone going to join? Are people too busy to make my dream come to life? I can't even think about how devastated I would be if the organization was rejected. I don't mind waiting... One month, two months, three months... another semester... All I want is to have this prepared, so that when we get approved we can start as soon as possible.

My little heart is aching, knowing there are soldiers out there that need our support and we can't formally give it yet. I know I'm just a Freshman, but I would love to do this and get this out to others who will appreciate it, too.

This is all I got for today, but I'll surely be back for more. I won't stop until I get this approved.