Tuesday, December 7, 2010


One day, all the gods got together and decided they should create a bright, colorful world. They were tired of dull planets like Mars and Pluto, too hot and too cold. So one lonely midnight, they got together between Taurus and Orion and decided to create a different sort of planet. They needed something vivid, something altogether new. 

Something blue! One god said. 

Something green! said the other. 

To maintain the peace, the god of the Universe and Eternity decided to make it both colors, and so he created the empty sphere. He combined the two colors, at first just blobs morphing around each other and floating amidst nothingness. Soon, all the gods were excited and contributed their own additions to the emerging world. 

The goddess of Water wanted there to be oceans. She wanted to navigate through rivers of indigo and float through clear waves, and so she did. 

The god of the Mountains wanted there to be vast lands. He wanted there to be territorial areas for spirits and the wind to travel over, and so it happened. 

The goddess of Fire wanted to have a part in it, too, so she decided to center herself in the middle of the new world. The god of the Skies decided there should be clouds and winds and rains to complement the seas and the lands. The gods soon descended upon the new planet and danced through the woods and the vast fields of flowers; but there was something missing. 

Everything looked still and lonely; even if there was life within, the energy didn't seem to flow correctly. 

Suddenly, they realized, maybe that's why they didn't like the other planets; maybe they should do something different in this one. 

The god of Life decided there should be something that lived on the lands and thrived, something that had a relationship with the lands itself. Henceforth, the first creatures were created. The world seemed like a much happier place; the seas were filled with different types of fish, all designed by the different gods. Each god had its own species and multiplied them by millions. The lands had beautiful creatures that galloped through the shores and pranced under the trees and roared with contentment of their home. 

And yet, there was something missing. 

The gods were puzzled, not knowing what else to do. They had created this beautiful planet, put wonderful animals on it, and made the pure air and sunshine bask the entire place. They worked so hard, but they still weren't satisfied. Then, the goddess of Reason shyly interjected: they needed something that lived and breathed and thought; something that resembled their intelligence and liveliness. The animals represented their spirits, but they needed a reflection of their greatness reflected on this newborn planet... called "Earth.” 

That's when the gods got together and thought really hard about the thing they were about to create. It had to be free and feeling, the god of Nature said. It had to be smart and practical, the god of War reasoned. It had to be careful and considerate, the goddess of Truth chimed in. It had to be wise and aware, always one with the world it lived in, the god of the Universe and Eternity decided. 

Days passed by and finally the gods came to a consensus.

They created the ultimate model of their beauty and prowess: Man and Woman.