Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Mental Rape

Why my new, awesomely done video trailer for "Learning to Spell Love" is not uploading to YouTube is a pesky mystery I'm trying to uncover. Sure, I'm no Sherlock Holmes but at least a failed version of Nancy Grace would do. I tried everything; I filmed it with the video camera from the computer, I tried uploading it to my other Blogger, Flickr, Facebook... and yet, no such luck with the impossible video. It's only 100MB, so it shouldn't have a problem uploading anywhere.

But, ah, I think I know what the problem is! My beautiful creation is not yet ready for the world. What a shame... I worked on it all Saturday night (took me six hours!) and no one is able to see the fruit of my labor.

But that's not really the point. I'm a bit uneasy about starting school again tomorrow. I've done it before, and college isn't as intimidating as it sounds, but there's a twinge of fear inside me trying to root itself into my mind. I keep swatting the fly of preoccupation away from the honey of my thoughts, but it just won't do.  I've never been too great at Math... okay, that's a lie. I've always been decent at it, but last year's BC Calculus scared the living patooties out of me. Thinking back at how hard I tried to keep that 1.5 at a C, I can't help but shiver at the memory of the cramming session before the IB exam.

Ah, the IB. The IA, the EE, the TOK and the OMG of having to do that 4,000 word recollection of garbage by tomorrow or you won't graduate. The life I might have lost thinking about the scores I needed to get, and the numbers that should add up, otherwise high school and all my young teenage years would have been thrown out the window straight into the great Black Sea of failure.


Bah, I laugh in the face of failure. It has nothing on me since I saw BILINGUAL DIPLOMA AWARDED in bold at the bottom of the page.

Can you believe it?! A SEVEN in Spanish! A SIX in English! A FIVE in History! A FOUR in Math. Maybe if I divided each by two I would get the scores I estimated I would receive. That's even less than the reviews I thought I would get for "Learning to Spell Love". Alright, so the first one I wrote was mildly popular. But this one is my baby hit. Saying that I love it would be a blasphemous understatement. I tried updating it in church (while the pastor was talking about companionship? leadership?) but I didn't get too far. I know my readers are getting impatient, but there's nothing I can do about my Polyvore and Netflix fixation. And that video.

The video that would never upload. But I will make it upload. Somehow... I don't know how. But I will. Even if I have to make another identical video (which I've already started to do but interrupted to create this blog, remembering it would need to be started for ENC1001 with a professor I called "mom".

Boy, tomorrow's going to be one bundle of joy.

Oh, and the orthodontist is expecting this little one to visit, afterward.

Wow, my excitement for tomorrow is just building and building. It might just explode any minute.

(By the way, I have 649 words on "Learning to Spell Love" chapter 38, and I haven't even gotten to Edward's letter or real dialogue between Esme and Bella. I think my readers will be proud!)